Jones Park – Spring panorama
Looking toward northeast at scene center. Assembled from three overlapping images.
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Las Casitas Park – Winter views
Southwestern Emporia
| Overviews looking toward the northwest (left) and east (right) with the BNSF Railway switching yard in the foreground and city beyond.
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| Left: close-up view of the former roundhouse that was used to service and repair steam locomotives. It was built in 1926-28 and torn down in 1983, but the foundation remains. It spanned 200° and had 30 stalls accessed by a turntable at the center. Right: airphoto from the mid-1940s showing the roundhouse.
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| Vertical shots of wind-turbine blades stored temporarily in the BNSF Railway depot. Horizontal and diagonal displays; service truck for scale is about 20 feet (~6 m) long.
Peter Pan Park – Winter and spring views
Southern Emporia
| Overviews from Peter Pan Park. Left: looking straight northward. Riverside elementary school appears on the left side. Right: view toward northeast. Downtown buildings appear in the center distance.
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| Overviews from Peter Pan Park. Left: looking eastward. Bunge oilseed processing plant in left background. Right: view toward southeast showing the Emporia Zoo, Kansas highway 99, the Cottonwood River, and its floodplain.
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| Cottonwood River low-oblique (left) and close-up vertical (right) winter views. The tree with white bark is sycamore, which often grows on floodplains and beside stream channels in eastern Kansas.
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| The disc golf course at Peter Pan Park is quite popular. These winter (left) and spring (right) views show the pond, numerous trees, playground equipment, and other obstacles on the course. Many discs end up in the pond!
Peter Pan Park – Color-infrared spring views
Southern Emporia
| Normal color (left) and color-infrared (right) images of the pond. The color-infrared camera is sensitive to blue, green, and near-infrared; the latter is portrayed as red in the image. Active vegetation appears bright orange, and water bodies are dark blue. Shadow of kite appears on the pond near center of each image.
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| Normal color (left) and color-infrared (right) images looking toward the west. The color-infrared camera is sensitive to blue, green, and near-infrared; the latter is portrayed as red in the image. Active vegetation appears bright orange, and water bodies are dark blue. Cottonwood River on left side.
Peter Pan Park – Ampitheater
Southern Emporia
| Left: amphitheater is located in a natural depression directly south of the pond, lower right portion of view. Right: vertical shot of the amphitheater. The grassy stage area is marked (*), and spectators sit in the grassy semicircular area at scene center.
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| Ground views of the amphitheater. Left: the steps in front of the stage are 75 feet across and made of cut slabs of limestone. Right: ESU's A Cappella Choir performs a public concert, April 2018.
Whittier Park – Early spring views
Eastern Emporia
| Overviews from Whittier Park, also known as Sertoma Park. Left: looking toward the northwest. Ninth Avenue crosses the scene, and the water tower on 12th Avenue appears in the right background. Right: view toward the southeast. Sixth Avenue runs across the center of the scene.
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| Baseball is the major sports attraction in this park. Sertoma baseball diamonds 2 and 3 (left) and the Kiwanis T-ball complex (right). The railroad on right is the BNSF Railway route to Topeka.
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| Close-up shot of distinctive shadows cast by bare deciduous trees in the late winter.
Sacred Heart Cemetery – Autumn views
Southeastern Emporia
| Superwide-angle shots looking toward the southwest (left) and northwest (right). Industrial Park III in the foreground. The large building (left) is the Hill's Pet Nutrition plant.
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| Left: view toward the northeast showing a coal train on the BNSF Railway mainline route to Kansas City. Right: nearly the whole cemetery appears in this view. Kite flyers standing on right side.
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| Near-vertical shots from high (left) and low (right) positions show arrangement of tomestones, grave markers, and other monuments. Faint mowing patterns are visible in the well-maintained lawn.