Emporia State University

Emporia State University is located in east-central Kansas. It is the premier teacher-education university in the state. Total enrollment is around 6000 including on-campus and distance-learning students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The following kite aerial photograph was taken by the author and Mik Lewicki during the spring commencement ceremony, May 13, 2000.

Overview of Welch Stadium in which the commencement ceremony is conducted. Faculty and graduating students are seated on the main field. University administrators and distinguished guests are located on the platform at the right end of the stadium, and the commencement band is on the field to the left. Visitors are sitting in the stands. At the time this image was acquired, the football field was natural grass.

Spring commencement 2000

Overview of central campus area. Wooster Lake, named for an early natural sciences professor, is prominent near scene center.
View toward the west. Visser Hall (the Teachers College) is the large brick building to right.
View southward along the east side of campus. The alumni center is the brown building to left, and the Memorial Union is visible in the upper right corner.
Northern portion of campus. The large brown structure to left is the physical education and recreation building.
View toward the west over the practice athletic fields. The new student recreation center is visible to left (purple *). This center was constructed in 2001 just north of the physical education and recreation building. I-35 crosses the foreground.
View to the northwest showing the interchange for I-35 and K-99 highways.
Northern edge of campus. Practice softball fields are located beyond I-35. The Neosho River follows the tree-lined channel in the background.
Nature trail follows a wooded meander in the Neosho River along the northern margin of the campus.

Homecoming 2005

Overview of campus looking across the football stadium toward the south. Student housing on left; administrative and academic buildings in center background and right.
Overview of the football stadium and western side of campus looking toward the southwest. The large building to right is the Teachers College.
Closeup view of the football stadium with the ESU marching band on the field for the pregame performance.
Closeup view of the football stadium during the game. New artificial turf is depicted clearly in this scene (compare with pictures above).
View toward the west-northwest showing the Emporia Country Club (private golf course). Rain clouds are approaching rapidly.
Closeup shot of tennis courts and parking areas on the western side of campus. The small building at right-center is the reconstructed one-room schoolhouse.
View toward the northwest over the I-35/K-99 highway interchange. Practice football fields and parking areas appear in the foreground.
Overview toward the east along I-35. Trusler sports complex (baseball) is visible beyond King Lake. The Art annex and campus maintenance areas appear in the foreground.
Closeup view of the Art annex and campus maintenance areas at scene center. Trusler sports complex is visible in the upper left corner.
Overview toward the southeast depicting Twin Towers student housing (lower right), campus parking, and the Saunder Alumni Center (just left of scene center).

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All text and imagery © by the authors,
J.S. and S.W. Aber (2005).