![]() | James S. Aber |
Glaciotectonism | Glaciotectonic structures |
Glaciotectonic landforms | Model for glaciotectonism |
References | Glaciotectonic bibliography |
Kite aerial photographs from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Some uncertainty surrounds the meaning of the term glaciotectonic, because various deformed structures are common both in glacier ice and in glacial deposits. Glaciotectonism may be defined as, structural deformation of sediment or bedrock as a direct result of glacier ice movement or loading (Aber et al. 1989).
The definition followed here is fairly simple and not overly restrictive, but it does exclude certain kinds of deformation related to glaciation. Deformations caused by drifting icebergs or freezing/thawing of dead ice (including permafrost) are not considered glaciotectonic. Likewise deformed structures within glacier ice are excluded. Glaciotectonic structures do include all deformations created in rock or sediment of the Earth's crust as a consequence of glacier loading, dragging, or pushing.
In regions of hard bedrock, small faults and seismic zones are
manifestations of glaciotectonism (Aber et al. 1995). These features are thought to be direct
results of stress changes associated with glacial loading and unloading.
Small faults are commonly developed in slates and other well-consolidated
rocks of the Canadian Shield and northern Appalachian Mountains. Individual faults are usually small (cm-dm displacement), but the
cumulative effects of many small faults can be considerable. Larger faults
represent glacial reactivation of pre-existing structures. Glacial loading and unloading of basement structures may lead to fault movements that affect surface landscapes (Sanderson and Jřrgensen 2015).
Seismic zones indicate continued crustal adjustments to glacial unloading, particularly in zones of former glaciation such as northern New York, southeastern Canada, and northern Denmark (Larsen et al. 2008). In addition, regions beyond the scope of glaciation may be affected by flexing of the lithosphere. For example, the New Madrid seismic zone in southeastern Missouri and adjacent states lies just beyond the maximum limit of Illinoian glaciation. This region has a substantially increased rate of earthquakes during the Holocene as a consequence of removal of ice loading to the north (Grollimund and Zoback 2001).
Glaciotectonic landforms may be divided in two general categories on the
basis of their morphostructural attributes.
The hill-hole pair is the simplest and most
instructive type of ice-shoved landform. It consists of an ice-scooped
basin and related hill. Other kinds of ice-shoved
hills are variations of this fundamental form. These hills were often
misidentified as kames or bedrock outliers, depending on their internal
composition. Bluemle and Clayton (1984, p. 284) described the hill-hole
pair as, "a discrete hill of ice-thrust material, often slightly
crumpled, situated a short distance downglacier from a depression of
similar size and shape."
The depression is the source of material now in the hill, and ideally the
volume of the depression should nearly equal the hill's volume.
Depressions are now often the sites of bogs, lakes, or estuaries, and so
their apparent sizes are often reduced by later sedimentation. The
ice-shoved hills may also have been altered by later erosion or deposition,
so an exact volume correspondence does not always exist between the hill
and related hole. Hill-hole pairs are now widely recognized in many
different settings.
Large composite ridges (>100 m high) usually include a substantial volume
of pre-Quaternary bedrock. Large composite ridges are topographically and
structurally similar to such thrust and folded mountain belts as the Canadian
Rockies or Swiss Alps that were formed by thin-skinned tectonics. The only
real difference is size, ice-shoved ridges being one or two orders of magnitude
smaller than true mountains (Aber et al. 1989).
The typical morphology and structures of composite ridges are displayed quite well in the Limfjord district of northwestern Denmark (Aber et al. 1989; Klint and Pedersen 1995; Pedersen 1996). Paleogene bedrock and drift were folded and thrust into composite ridges during late Weichselian glaciation. The bedrock, consisting of
clayey diatomite interbedded with volcanic ash layers, was especially
susceptible to ice-push deformation. Large, overturned, rootless folds of
bedrock and drift were thrust up forming ridges. Ice-shoved hills display
valley-and-ridge topography, in which maximum elevations are up to 100 m
above the nearby floor of the Limfjord estuary (source basin).
Debris flows, small fans, ablation till and other surficial sediment may accumulate at the ice
margin, while basal till may build up under the glacier. Such sediments
often become deformed as ice movement proceeds. With continued glacier
advance, the hill may be overridden, further deformed, eroded, covered with
till, and/or molded into a cupola-hill or drumlin. All traces of the
ice-shoved hill may be eventually removed by prolonged erosion.
Glaciotectonic structures
Glaciotectonic structures range in size from microscopic to continental.
The depth of structural disturbance is limited to about 200 m (Kupsch
1962), with the exception of lithospheric depression/rebound, which may
penetrate 100s of km deep. Deformed materials range from hard, crystalline
rocks, to poorly consolidated sedimentary strata, to loose sediments.
Deformation occurs in both frozen and thawed material under either low or
high confining pressures. Both brittle and ductile
deformations of all kinds are present in glaciotectonic settings: faults, folds, fractures, intrusions, etc. Glaciotectonic structures may be created under thick ice, beneath thin ice, or in front of glaciers during advancing, maximal or recessional phases of glaciation.Glaciotectonic landforms
Glaciotectonic landforms are the morphologic expressions of subsurface
structural deformations brought about by glaciation. Such landforms range
from conspicuous ice-shoved hills, to smoothed plains, to anomalous
depressions (Aber et al. 1989). These landforms may display their
original glaciotectonic morphology, where little modified by later events.
More commonly, however, subsequent glacial or nonglacial erosion or
deposition has altered the initial landform, in some cases obliterating any
morphologic expression of the ice-pushed structures. In all cases, some
knowledge of subsurface stratigraphy and structure is invaluable for
properly interpreting the landforms.
These forms represent ideal types within a continuous spectrum of
glaciotectonic phenomena. Intermediate, transitional or mixed forms exist
between these ideal types and are in fact rather common. The materials of
which these landforms are constructed may be classified in three groups:
(1) pre-Quaternary strata, that are usually consolidated to some degree,
(2) pre-existing Quaternary strata, both glacial and nonglacial, and (3)
penecontemporaneous glacial sediment, that was deposited and deformed
during the same glaciation. Most glaciotectonic landforms contain all
three types of material in varying proportions. Kite aerial photographs from the Limfjord region, Denmark.
Cupola hills represent the combined effects of ice-shoving and subglacial
erosion, deposition and molding of the ice-pushed hill. Where subglacial
modification is slight, a subdued composite-ridge morphology may be
preserved. With more modification, a rounded, smoothed cupola hill
results. Still greater glacial erosion may create streamlined,
drumlin-shaped hills, and eventually all trace of the
ice-shoved hill may be removed by prolonged erosion. The typical
characteristics of cupola hills are demonstrated on the island of Møn,
southeastern Denmark (Aber et al. 1989).Model for ice-shoved hills
A model for glaciotectonism consists of two stages: (1) proglacial
thrusting of ice-shoved hills followed by (2) subglacial modification of
overridden hills. Initial proglacial thrusting takes
place along a décollement that may be controlled by any of several
features: lower boundary of permafrost, lithologic or stratigraphic
boundary, position of confined aquifer, etc. Subglacial melt water
may either erode tunnel valleys or deposit eskers, while proglacial melt
water may cut spillways across the ice-pushed ridge and deposit outwash
sediment on the distal side of the hill. Glossary or references.
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All images and text © J.S. Aber.