LIBR 220 04 & 13
Resources and Information Services:
Maps, GIS & Map Librarianship

San José State University
San José, California USA

Dr. Susan Ward Aber

Lena Delta is an extraordinary wetland at the end
of one of the longest rivers in the world. This river
flows through Siberia, Russia, and is seen from
above via this Landsat 7 satellite image taken off
the online USGS Earth Resources Observation
and Science website,

Graduate Student Final Projects

This course focused on resources and information services associated with maps, geographic information systems (GIS), and map librarianship. Cartographic and geoscience resources included both print and electronic maps, visual imagery (e.g., aerial and satellite images), and other geospatial information. In order to design library services for map resources, a review was given of basic cartographic concepts such as map scales, projections, symbols, types and formats, as well as where to acquire geospatial data for electronic mapping and map display using GIS and Web GIS. Also, the course introduced cartographic and geoscience services and duties unique to map librarianship including reference, collection management, and cataloging.

The final course project was an opportunity to bring together the new awareness of map-related resources and services as applied to a topic of the student's choosing. The resulting projects demonstrated the student's understanding of the importance of visual information as well as the role map librarians and libraries assume in organizing and highlighting map and map-related resources for patrons. Project topics and formats varied and the outcome was a group of interesting unique, creative, and informative reports. They are placed online for your inspection and enjoyment...just follow the links below! I am sorry for the inconvenience, but some of the presentation formats are best viewed with an Internet Explorer web browser.

This page was created to display the hard work of students enrolled at San José State University, School of Library and Information Management For more information contact the course instructor, S. W. Aber via e-mail: Thanks for visiting! Webpage created: December 2008; last update: December 22, 2008.

Copyright 2008 Susan Ward Aber. All rights reserved.