The Liberty Memorial was rededicated and reopened to the public in connection with Memorial Day 2002. Most of the above-ground rebuilding and landscaping are completed, and work continues underground. The following low-height kite and blimp aerial photographs illustrate stages in the reconstruction of the Liberty Memorial.
Prior to reconstruction (1998)
| During the 1990s, the monument was considered unsafe and it was closed to the public. Nonetheless, steam continued from the top of the tower, which symbolized an eternal torch. Kite aerial photo, 11/98 by J.T. and J.S. Aber.
During reconstruction (2001-02)
| Left: overview of Liberty Memorial and entrance mall with Crown Center, Union Station, and downtown Kansas City in the background. Construction activity is evident around the Liberty Memorial, which was closed to the public. Right: closeup view of the Liberty Memorial showing exposed structure beneath the tower and buildings. Kite aerial photographs, 4/01 by S.W. and J.S. Aber.
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Final phase of preparation for rededication of the Liberty Memorial. Left: new sunken entrance can be seen below the tower on the south side of the structure. Right: Overview of the new sunken entrance and reflecting pool under construction on the south side of the Liberty Memorial. Ground photographs, 5/02 by R.K. Aber.
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After reconstruction (2003)
Portrait view of the Liberty Memorial with downtown Kansas City skyline in background. Uniformly sunlit scene. Blimp aerial photograph, 6/03 by J.S. Aber. |
| Landscape view of the Liberty Memorial with downtown Kansas City skyline in background. Memorial is highlighted in sun, whereas the background is shadowed by clouds. Blimp aerial photograph, 6/03 by J.S. Aber. |
| Closeup view of the Liberty Memorial complex with the Union Station in the background. Foreground is sunlit, whereas background is partly shadowed by clouds. Blimp aerial photograph, 6/03 by J.S. Aber. |
| Near-vertical shot above the Liberty Memorial with a dramatic view down the side of the tower. Blimp shadow and tether line are visible to lower right of the tower. Aerial photograph, 6/03 by J.S. Aber. | |

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© J.S. Aber and Sj.S. Aber (2003, 2012); all rights reserved.