| View toward the east showing the community center in the foreground and new suburban housing in the background. Digital image date 4/02, © J.S. and S.W. Aber. |
| The near building is the main community center, and the far building houses the child care facility. Landscaping awaits spring rains for growth of vegetation. Digital image date 4/02, © J.S. and S.W. Aber. |
| Vertical view over the community center. Note high brightness and color constrast among the new construction materials. Digital image date 4/02, © J.S. and S.W. Aber. |
| Closeup vertical view of the child-care playground. Note the turtle design, a common children's motif among native Americans.
Digital image date 4/02, © J.S. and S.W. Aber. |
| Development of the community center will lead to increased runoff during storms. This detention pond will store excess runoff to reduce the potential for downstream flooding. In spite of partly cloudy conditions, sun glint highlights the pond. Kite flyers are standing on the road to left. Digital image date 4/02, © J.S. and S.W. Aber. |
The following image is a composite made up by pasting together several low-oblique views of the community center site. Existing buildings, parking lots, and roads appear toward the top and right sides of the scene. Note kite flyers at the end of the current road. The road and buildings to left are virtual architectural designs added to show their planned locations in the scene. Image courtesy of Mike Hughes Architects, P.C. © (2002).