| Looking downstream toward the southeast along the marsh drainage channel. In the lower foreground the road follows a dike. The bridge on the road marks the spillway through the dike. In the distance the Bessemer and Lake Erie railroad runs across the scene. |

| View southward with the village of Geneva in the center distance. The road follows a dike that holds water in the pool to right side. Marsh vegetation: A - spatterdock, B - pickerelweed and cattail, and C - duckweed. |

| Looking toward the southwest over a large open pool surrounded by emergent wetland vegetation that forms a green carpet. The linear path across the scene is a channel cut through the vegetation. This linear channel extends through the entire length of the marsh--see above. |

| Closeup view of green carpet of emergent marsh vegetation shown in picture above. Coarse, light-green is spatterdock. Darker green areas are pickerelweed and cattail. |

| View to northeast showing many pools of irregular size and shape with numerous small clumps of emergent vegetation. Geneva Road on right side. |

| Near-vertical shot of the blimp launching site (blue tarp) at a small parking area surrounded by tall trees. This site, where Watson Run Road (below) and Geneva Road (above) fork, is virtually an island within the marsh complex. |