Field Geology 2009:
Photographic Perspectives
of Geology in Kansas and Colorado

Emporia State University
Scott Smith

Field Geology Assistants' photo - June 2009
Photo by Scott Smith; Photo date June 2009.

Field geology is a course designed to acquaint students with maps and geology. Below are images captured by the graduate assistant with themes of flora, fauna, and general scenes.

Wildflowers of the Southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Left and title image: Western Wallflower, Erysimum capitatum, Mustard family.
Other pictures: Brook Cress or Bitter Cress; Cardmine cordifolia, Mustard family.
This was found along Cucharas Creek by Bear Lake.
Photos by Scott Smith.
A study of Blue-eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium montanum, Iris family.
Photos by Scott Smith.
Far left: Yellow Salsify, Tragopogon dubius major of the Aster family. Left center: Golden Banner
or Golden Pea, Thermopsis divaricarpa from the Pea family. Right center: Golden Pea
with West Spanish Peak in background. Far right: Little Prickly Pear cactus in bloom;
Opuntia fragilis, Opuntia is the genus name and Cactacaea is the cactus family.
Photos by Scott Smith.
A study of Old-Man's-Beard, Usnea, or hanging moss is in the lichen family.
It resembles gray or green thread draped over branches and is believed to be
a sign of clean, non-polluted air and healthy forests. These examples were found
on the lower portion of the trail to Trinchera Peak.
Wild pink geranium, Geranium caespitosum from the Geranium family. Left two pictures from
Hell's Gate; right two pictures from road leading to Blue/Bear Lakes in the Sangre de Cristo
formation. Photos by Scott Smith.
Far left: Wild Rose, Rosa woodsii in the Rose family. Left center: Wooly Actinella,
Tetraneuris brevifolia from the Aster family. Right center and far right: White Primrose,
Oenothera caespitosa in the Onagraceae family (see
for details). Photos by Scott Smith.
Tree trunk weathering near Cucharas Creek
on Blue/Bear Lake road. Photo by Scott Smith.

Wildlife of the Southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Birds and mule deer. Far left: Gray jay, Perisoreus canadensis, outside condo
( Left center: Possibly a juvenile Western bluebird,
Sialia mexicana. Note the deer have shed their antlers. Photos at Cuchara Mountain Resort;
photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.
Hungry chipmunk showing off for students at Zapata Falls.
Photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.
Cautious pronghorn in the San Luis Valley.
Photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.

General Scenes in Colorado

Left: Common Blue Damselfly, Enallagma cyathigerum on Cucharas Creek.
Right Center: Cucharas Creek beside the Blue/Bear Lake road. Far right: Culebra
Range of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains as seen from Cordova Pass.
Photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.
Left: Storm over LaGarita Mountains as seen from Russell Lakes State Wildlife
area in the San Luis Valley. Center: Storm approaching LaVeta Pass.
Highway 160 is seen with Mt. Maestas to the left of the road.
Right: Erosional features in a dike exposed on the road to Cordova Pass.
Photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.
Dr. Aber explains right hand rule and measuring strike-dip to students
along the Blue-Bear Lakes road in the Sangre de Cristo formation.
Photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.
The geology was spectacular from columnar jointing at Hells Gate
to a trek up Mt. Maxwell. Photos by Scott Smith, June 2009.
Field geology, led by Dr. James Aber, was a great way to spend four weeks
of the 2009 summer session!

Student Contest Submissions and Winners

Field Geology Photo Awards 2009,

Field Geology Photos

Field Geology 2009: Photographic Perspectives
of Geology in Kansas and Colorado, by S. Smith
Field Geology 2009: Photographic Perspectives
of Geology in Kansas and Colorado, by S.W. Aber

Course Webpages of Interest

Field Geology 2009: Exploring the Flint Hills of
Kansas, the High Plains and Southern Rocky Mountains
of Colorado,
Field Geology 2009: Exploring the Flint Hills
of Kansas in Chase County,
Field Geology 2009: Exploring the High Plains
and Southern Rockies of Colorado,
Field Geology 2009: Identifying Rocks
from Kansas and Colorado,

Webpage created June 26, 2009; latest update July 2, 2009. Copyright S.W. Aber & all students who submitted images. E-mail: