Emporia Chess Society
Emporia, Kansas

The Emporia Chess Society (ECS) is an informal association of chess players and supporters in the Emporia vicinity of east-central Kansas. The society was organized by Emile Darga and Chris Seeman in 2003. The club meets weekly at coffee shops for recreational chess games, informal analysis, instruction, and friendly practice.

People of all ages and levels of chess experience are welcome! Preschool to seniors, beginner to expert players. There is no charge or membership fee. Come every week or just when you are able to play a game of chess. Bring your own chess set, if you have one.

Gravel City Roasters
715 Commercial
Mondays, 5:00 to 7:00 pm

Granada Coffee Company
809 Commercial
Thursdays, 9:00 to 11:00 am
On summer break (2024)

Chess coachs: James Aber received chess-coach training from the Karpov International School of Chess in Lindsborg, Kansas (see below). He had instruction from GMs Yuri Shulman, Var Akobian, and Timur Gareyev. He's available along with Dusti Howell to help beginning players understand and improve their chess skills.

Sidewalk chess
Photos by A. Spencer.

ECS News

Guinness world record.

Andrew: I can't believe
you just took my queen!
Charles: Kasparov is
giving me a free rook!

Jim: I should have played
the French defense.

Sketches © J. Schubert.

Left: Street scene outside the Karpov Chess School following the parade. Right: Jim Schubert (left) plays a speed game against Gabriel Purdy, who is the manager/instructor of the chess school.
Young players try a game with the large chess set. Note the Swedish colors, yellow and blue.

Left: preparing for the parade in front of the school. Right: visitors playing chess inside the school.

This webpage is presented for general public use and enjoyment.
For further information, contact aberjim99@aim.com
All rights reserved; text and images © J.S. Aber.

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Last update May 2024.